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Dr. Eddie Groover ’67, chancellor emeritus, passed away on July 3 after an extended illness. All who knew him can attest to Dr. Groover’s kindness, intelligence and generosity. His knowledge of the Restoration Movement, including the founding of this University, was unparalleled. He filled many roles at Atlanta Christian College, serving as president from 1993-2006. He was supportive and encouraging as we transitioned to becoming Point University, serving for a time as chancellor and frequently attending special events on the West Point campus. He was a man of strong faith whose Christian commitment impacted generations of our students.

Dr. Groover was preceded in death by his wife, Belinda Lee Groover. He is survived by their sons, Greg and Michael, and their families.

Please join us in prayer for his family. Visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, July 6 at Parrott Funeral Home in Fairburn, Georgia. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, July 7 at Southwest Christian Church in Newnan, Georgia.

We encourage alumni and friends to share memories of him below.

Memories of Dr. Groover

Memories of Dr. Groover will be shared below this form as they are received. You can also view more comments and stories on our Facebook post here

Please share your memories of Dr. Groover with us. Comments will be posted on this page and shared with the family.

When I started Atlanta Christian College, Dr. Groover was suddenly no longer referred to as Dr. Groover by many of his students. He suddenly became known as Uncle Eddie to many of his students because of me attending the college. Uncle Eddie had always been so much more to me growing up than just an uncle. We shared the same birthday. I would always joke with him that I was his best birthday present ever. He never seemed bothered when I was growing up that he had to share his strawberry shortcake birthday cake that had both of our names on it with a seven-year-old. He inspired and motivated me throughout life. He instilled in me a strong love of history and genealogy. He was a role model to me intellectually and spiritually, more than I think he ever knew. He was always a pillar of stability and calm, no matter what life threw his way. He was always there to lift up and comfort his family and everyone in his life.     But he was at peace. He was fully accepting of God’s will regarding his life. He is rejoicing today. He’s with my aunt, his sweetheart. Four years ago this next week, I sat there with my uncle as my grandmother, his mother, had her last breath. The only words he could say at that time, as birds sung outside the window and as the chimes across the street at Christian City played their harmony, were, “This is good. This is how it’s supposed to be.” So now, knowing his reunion today, the same message is fitting… This is good. This is how it’s supposed to be. —Ginger Groover Mathis (’91-’94)

Dr. Groover was a friend and colleague. Graduating in the spring before I started in the fall of ’67, I only had passing memories of that time. During my time as a trustee, he and I shared conversations on many things. He was a fantastic listener, paying attention to not only those things that agreed with his viewpoint, but also, those things that did not. His love of ACC/Point was evident in every conversation that I had with him. This news has come as a shock as in recent years our paths had diverged. The body of Christ has lost a true servant, but Dr. Groover has gained the goal that he strived for during his life. —Steve Eidson ’71

Dr. Groover was such a powerful force at ACC in many capacities, but I particularly remember Restoration History. He inspired me to appreciate our heritage and our pulpits. He once preached for me at Jackson Christian Church when we were in our new unfinished building, and he was swarmed with gnats at the pulpit. Never let me forget it. He will be missed. Heaven has received a giant of faith. God bless his sons and family. Linda and I are praying for them and all those at both Point and old ACC. —Ken Davidson ’80

Eddie, as I knew him, was my youth minister at North Druid Hills Christian Church while a student at ACC. I was 14 in 1965. My mother had invited him home for lunch after church on April 11,1965, and my father had a massive heart attack and died that afternoon. I’ll never forget Eddie’s presence and him praying with me. He always has had a special place in my heart. A godly faithful man. Home at last. —Ann Irvin Fessler (’68-’71)

Although I knew Eddie before I enrolled at ACC in 1968, I came to know him much better during his time as the staff resident at my dorm, Roberts Hall. Despite our shenanigans in the dorm, he was always kind and forgiving. Those traits continued throughout his life. He will be missed. —Scott Hudson ’75

While attending ACC, Dr. Groover was one of my professors. It was in his class I was able to trace my church roots back to the Caine Ridge Revival of 1830. James O’Kelly was a contemporary of Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell. I learned that James O’Kelly led a group who later became known as “The O’Kelly Christians.” This group later became known as the Congregational Christian Church. My first memories of going to church were attending Gibsonville Christian Church and Hopedale Christian Church, both near Burlington, NC. My father was the minister at each church.     Dr. Groover also assisted me when I decided to pursue my master of arts in religion and spiritual formation in 2005. He helped obtain copies of my ACC transcripts and forwarded them to Northwest Nazarene Universityc, where I would eventually complete my degree program in 2008.     He was always kind, approachable, and accepting of me, even though I was not a part of “The Restoration Movement.” I am thankful I could call him friend. Sincere condolences to the family. We have “hope beyond this veil.” We will see our friends and loved ones again. —Lane Loman ’71

Eddie, Steve Hooks and Paul Gardner roomed together across the hall from my dorm room. Eddie has always been as kind an individual as you could imagine. I have appreciated his encouragement through the years. He will certainly be missed. —Danny Shoemake ’70

May our Lord and Savior, Jesus continue to bless Dr. Groover’s family. ACC was blessed to have him among their high-caliber faculty! And I was blessed to call him professor. —Mark Adam ’83

A life well lived. Victory in Jesus. It is hard to estimate how much he encouraged me as a student. —Mark Pierce ’73

He was a mentor and opened my eyes to amazing facts in church history. Praying for the family. —Kevin Hedlund ’79

He was not only a teacher/professor, but he had a kindness and gentleness that are fruits of the spirit. He was a friend and mentor. Always was an encourager. His family will be in my prayers. —Randy Smith ’81

“Mr. Groover,” as I first knew him, came to ACC my sophomore year. I had him for several classes, including Restoration History and, my senior year, 1 Corinthians. He also lived in the apartment in Roberts Hall before I graduated. Vicki and I were married in August after graduating, and Eddie and Belinda were married a year later. We have laughed many times about the card we attached to the wedding gift we sent them. It was addressed to “Mr. Groover and Belinda.” Eddie and I laughed about that recently. Eventually, Eddie and I became colleagues at ACC, and he proved to be a blessing to me as “the new kid on the block.” He became Dr. Groover, and eventually, Dean Groover and President Groover. No doubt, Point would not still exist were it not for the work Dean Groover and President Donovan did in achieving regional accreditation with SACSCOC. Eddie was an incredible scholar, and he loved the church! That is sometimes a rare combination. Few people checked on Vicki more often during her long illness than Eddie. He and I had many helpful conversations about how to travel through life after the death of our wives. I will miss his friendship and kindness. I hope he knew what a blessing he was to me, my family, and legions of others who were in his circle of acquaintance. May God bless and comfort Greg, Michael, and their families. He loved his grandchildren! —Wye Huxford ’73

Eddie Groover was a wonderfully kind, thoughtful, encouraging, and engaging president, colleague, and friend. His gentle spirit and love for Point University will be greatly missed. —Holly Ritchie Carey ’01

Eddie was my youth minister at West Hills Christian Church in Bristol, Tennessee. He was attending Emmanuel at the time. Eddie had a major impact on my life and choosing Atlanta Christian College. Good news is, we are not saying “Goodbye”… it’s “See you later!!” —Jerry O’Dell ’75

I knew Eddie as my dean, my boss (both academic dean and president), my carpool friend, my camping/hiking friend, and my family friend. Eddie traveled to Chile with me twice, to Peru, Mexico, and dozens of trips in the U.S. He edited every paper I wrote in graduate school and continued to edit everything I wrote after that until just recently — every book, newspaper column, and article. We built projects together, worked on cars, cut firewood, and even re-keyed locks together. He was the first to visit at the birth of all my children and never failed to check up on me when times were hard. Eddie is the one I called when I had my own brush with death a few years ago. He was ever the historian. For years he sent me a multi-page summary of our year together. And my most cherished memory of all — I never heard Eddie say a harsh thing about anyone, even people who had treated him poorly. He will be missed. —Greg Moffatt ’88

Eddie hired me when I came to work at Point, and he was so encouraging to me as I found my footing as a young professional. He gave me advice about dealing with difficult people that I have used ever since. Working in advancement, I appreciated how he continued to enthusiastically attend and support Point events, even after he retired. He was a loyal friend to our family, even — perhaps especially — in the most difficult times. I’ll never forget his kindness to us during my mother’s long illness and after her death. We are so thankful for his life and his friendship. —Sarah Huxford

So intensely inspired by his life, and so deeply saddened by his death, Dr. Eddie Groover was fervently loved, admired and respected by me and my family! –Billye Joyce Fine (Trustee, 1989-2018)

A great man has fallen, and for me, this evening, words don’t come easy! I love Eddie Groover! Yes, he taught me so much about our Restoration roots while at ACC, but he taught me so much more about Jesus in the many years that have since followed graduation.     I have had the amazing privilege of texting, emailing, and enjoying so many telephone conversations with my friend over the last decade. It would bring peace to my soul just to hear his calm and gentle voice. No matter the topic, he spoke with a kindness and reassurance that all would be well. When visiting Atlanta, he has been my Uber driver from Hartsfield-Jackson, and always took the time to treat me with such a warm and loving hospitality.     Two years ago, Eddie and I lost one of our great and beloved friends. Dr. Wayne Shaw and Dr. Eddie Groover spoke on the phone nearly every week for a ton of years. Since Wayne’s homegoing, I have been overjoyed to keep that phone connection in Lincoln, IL, open! Even with my lack of intellectual rhetoric and that theological prowess that Eddie and Wayne shared, he stilled called me! The conversations obviously had to be simplified to reduce the intellectual shortfall on the Illinois side. Eddie was so gracious.     My heart is heavy tonight for you, Michael and Greg. As you know, your dad was a loving husband, proud father, amazing grandfather. I enjoyed every story and picture he sent to me about all of you! Deep blessings and love. —Terry Davis ’89

Eddie was a consistently, genuinely kind man. He loved Jesus and he loved Point. I knew Eddie my entire life and never had anything but a pleasant interaction with him, whether about life or work. He cared deeply for our family during my mom’s illness and continued to do so after her loss. He was an incredibly good listener, who engaged in a deep way with everyone he had the chance to converse with and remembered things about you to ask you about in the future. I will miss asking my dad to make sure Eddie knows whatever cool bird we saw at one of dad’s many bird feeders. And I’ll miss Eddie’s delight at all the good work being done at Point! —Bethany Huxford Davis (’99-’00)

Dr. Groover was an extraordinary leader in the kingdom of God. His gentle spirit was evident. He did our premarital counseling and was a mentor, friend, professor and consistent leader. We have many fond memories of Point University (ACC) because of Christians like Dr. Groover. Shalom. May God grant the family peace in the pain of grief. —Clay ’80 and Sandra Sechrest Perkins ’79

Eddie very quickly and intentionally befriended me when I joined the Advancement Office at Point in 2016. He loved ACC and Point, and deeply believed in the kingdom work the University does day in and day out. Eddie was always available (always) to give me a quick history lesson on the college, its incredible alumni, staff and students, both past and present. I loved spending time with him and learning from him. Our friendship was not long, but it was crucial — I believe, in many ways, for both of us. I will miss our walks and talks and lunches. I will dearly miss his heartfelt encouragement and the way we brought each other joy. Thank you for befriending me, brother, I am better for it. — Chris Beirne

Dr. Groover, thank you for your many years of service. You taught us so much and gave even more. I’ll never forget how well you carried yourself as a gentleman and as a follower of Christ. You were an example to us all. You’re truly missed, yet never forgotten. God bless you and fly high! —Krystle Henderson ’13

Actually, Eddie and I go way back to Christian camp in Virginia in the mid-1950s. Eddie was the kid from the Salem area with the really bright red hair and blue eyes. But, hey, what do you expect from red-headed Uncle Roy Miller’s nephew staying in Salem that year?As I would learn ten years later, Eddie was “really bright” in a lot of other ways. A top ACC student, a gentle spirit in all he did, and as a leader of excellence in his lifelong commitment to ACC, he epitomized the best among the Christian friends I have ever known.      In recent years, our personal friendship has deepened and blessed my life and family significantly. His timely calls and texts reflected his unique compassion and sensitivity, only to be exceeded by the rare times we met face-to-face. Even less than 48 hours before his homegoing, he jotted a quick, encouraging, personal text. We’ll always be grateful for the glimpse of Jesus reflected in the heart and eyes of Eddie Groover. — Frank Forehand ’68

Dr. Grover always shared a smile with me when I would see him in passing. Such a kind soul! — Jessica Smoot ’09

Dr. Groover was a fine man and a friend to me. My prayers for the family. Yes, he will be missed. —Joseph Guidry ’07

While we did not have the pleasure of being students of Dr. Eddie Groover, we have definitely benefited from the legacy of leadership and faith that is such an integral part of Point University. Thank you for setting the bar high and inspiring us to continue “to strive for the prize of the high calling of Christ.” Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Groover at this difficult time. –Tammy Stephens ’24 and David Wilson, Operator, Chick-fil-A Gadsden

I was in Dr. Groover’s small group while attending Atlanta Christian College. We became friends and shared life for a few years while I was there. My fondest memory of Dr. Groover is the small group session where he surprised us and washed our feet. I remember how uncomfortable I was having the president of the college wash my feet, but it was never forgotten. He modeled Jesus to me at the time, in that moment, and in the moments we were invited to his home, ate together and prayed together. Thankful that he was in my life and part of the foundation that pointed me to Jesus. Prayers for Dr. Groover’s family! —Robert Bowen ’03 

Dr. Groover and I were roommates for a while. I had the pleasure of working with him on weekends in some of the churches while we were students and had some interesting experiences, such as a man passing away while we were having lunch at his house. While I lived in California, Eddie and Belinda visited me, and we had a great time sightseeing and visiting. Eddie would ask help with the most unexpected things. He called one day and asked me to stand in for him as president of ACC for a graduation ceremony at the Bible seminary in Southern California where we lived. I asked, “What do I wear?” He sent me the proper cap and gown. I was certainly out of my league, but enjoyed the experience. One of our friends was graduating, and he wondered how I got to sit in the front row with all the other presidents and be part of the ceremony. I then reminded him it was Eddie whom he had met in California. Eddie never strayed from his mission. I had to travel back to Atlanta for my job many times, and Eddie asked me and my wife to have lunch. He brought all the information for the capital campaign for ACC. Many of us will miss him, his friendship, dedication and commitment to his calling. He has left a legacy that will have a positive impact on many for years to come. —Ronald Moeckel ’69

I knew Eddie as a young teenager before I started college. My parents knew his mother and father so, therefore, I knew Eddie. We attended North Druid Hills Christian Church, and Eddie was our youth minister. I was 17 when my mother had my baby sister. Eddie came to the hospital to sit with my daddy while mother was in the delivery room. After the baby (Joy) was born, daddy and Eddie went to the window for the nurse to hold her up so they could see her. She had bright red hair like me, my daddy, and my brother. Since my daddy was older and had two teenagers, the nurse held her up for Eddie to see, thinking he was the daddy. We all know how Eddie could blush!!! We all loved Eddie and will miss him. He was also my professor at ACC and a good friend through the years. I know his family will miss him as well. I received an email from Eddie about a year ago and he talked about his wonderful sons and granddaughters and sent pictures. Red hair runs in those families too!! One day, we will all meet again. —Linda Luke Hutchison ’73

Dr. Groover was one of those men who lived what he taught about Christ. He was a rare blend of humility, humor, and dedication to the Kingdom of God. I love history, and Dr. Groover whetted my appetite for history even more with his love and knowledge of church history. As a student, there were times when I came to him with problems or issues, just ready to lose my mind, and Dr. Groover, with that calm, warm demeanor, managed to walk me through emotions and tough decisions with ease. Blessed to have known him as a president, professor and friend. —Tony Crumbley ’87

In July of 1998, my first interview to work at Point was with Eddie. I didn’t know what to expect, but he took me to dinner at the Steak & Ale in College Park. We had a nice, easy conversation — and that was it. We did have a more “brass tacks” interview the next day, but this first experience was a great introduction to the culture of the school under Eddie’s leadership.     Every experience I had with Eddie was the same: he was kind, humble, and gracious. I was a part of meetings where he was more presidential and laser-focused, but Eddie was never distant or officious. He was inquisitive, sharp, and commanding — but he was also always personable and relatable.     Eddie Groover was a thoughtful, caring man. I never for a moment ever doubted his sincerity or attentiveness. He was a great example of a Kingdom man of God. —DJ Dycus

Eddie was in the dormitory across the hall from me (three semesters), then I was able to come back after three semesters of illness and lack of funds. We had a very good relationship, and I cherish that. I later was asked to serve as a trustee and served for 19 years. I served as preaching minister for churches in Georgia and South Carolina. Eddie was always welcoming, kind, and encouraging simply because he was who he was, a great servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will always remember him with deep fondness. See you soon Eddie!!! —Morris (’58-’62) and Bonnie Little (’63-’64)

I have fond memories of Eddie. We sang together in a quartet. We traveled with President Redmon to several churches to help raise support for ACC. He was a talented bass singer. I had great admiration for him as a Christian and worker for the Lord. I’m sure he will be missed deeply by family, friends and former college grads. Rest in peace with our Lord, Dr. Groover. –Amy Jo Lemay Wagner Saunders ’65

I first met Eddie when he was my cabin dad at Woodland Christian Camp in 1970. Just a few years later, he would be my dorm dad at Atlanta Christian College during my freshman year. From the time I first met him until a conversation we had last year, he was always so gracious and kind. A real Christian gentleman. He always referred to me by name, knew all of my family, Faith, John and Joy, and was concerned about our life in ministry. Such an encouraging man. Easy to talk with. Willing to listen. Always caring. We really bonded my senior year of ACC, when Faith and I drove down to the college from Gainesville, GA, for classes my senior year. I had a 7:30 a.m. class taught by Professor Groover entitled 1 Corinthians. Every week he spoke with me about my dedication to get up at 5:00 a.m. on those class days and pay attention in class (when many were a bit drowsy). I learned a lot from him that year that formed my understanding of the church and spiritual gifts and more. I will always remember his encouragement through each year of ministry (now 47 years) and the bond we formed when I was a teenager became a dear and encouraging friendship. Well done, good and faithful servant! P.S. I have a photo in my home office of Eddie and Belinda holding our two-month-old son, John, when ACC came up to Lake Lanier Islands for a special trip. Roy McKinney took the photo and gave it to me. Such a dear couple were Eddie and Belinda. Faith and I send our love and sympathy to the family. —David Simpson ’77