Financial Aid

Financial Aid Process

There are various types of financial aid available from federal, state, institutional, and private foundations that are available to assist you in funding your college education. The types of available financial aid are categorized by grants, loans, and work-study.

Types of Financial Aid

Grants are generally awarded based on demonstrated financial need, as determined by the result of the FAFSA, and do not have to be repaid. Grants are available at federal and state sources.

  • Federal Pell Grant is a federal, need-based grant awarded to undergraduate students pursuing their first undergraduate bachelor’s degree. The award amount is based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA. There is a six-year lifetime limit on receiving Pell Grant. Students who have previous college attendance can view their remaining Pell Grant eligibility at the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS),
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant is a federal grant awarded to undergraduate students who are not Pell-eligible whose parent or guardian died as a result of military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after 9/11. Recipients must be under 24 years old or enrolled at least part-time at the time of the parent’s or guardian’s death.
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a grant available to Pell-eligible students with exceptional financial need. Funding in this program is limited so funds are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The State of Georgia provides grant assistance to its citizens who meet the state residency requirements. For most State programs, recipients must have resided in Georgia for 12 months or more. Some programs may require up to 24 months before qualifying.
  • Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant is a grant available to eligible Georgia residents who are dependent children of Georgia Public Safety Officers who were permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. The award covers the cost of attendance at a public or private college or university minus any other financial aid received by the student not the exceed $18,000 per academic year.

  • Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant is awarded to Georgia residents who are attending a private college or university in Georgia as a full-time student. The Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant may be received, if otherwise eligible, for up to a 127 attempted-hour limit or the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, whichever should occur first.
  • Georgia College Completion Grant Program provides grant aid to assist eligible students who are within 80% of earning their credential and have an outstanding balance due to Direct Costs at their eligible postsecondary institution. Georgia College Completion Grant recipients must meet the financial need, academic and eligibility requirements specific to the grant program. Eligible students may receive a College Completion Grant award of up to $2,500, depending on the extent of their outstanding balance of Direct Costs.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, talent, residency, and other non-need based criteria. Point University awards a number of merit-based scholarships annually. They are typically awarded based on academic, leadership, and Christian character. Scholarship recipients must maintain good standing with the University and the applicable grade point average to retain their scholarships. To be considered, fill out the scholarship application form included in your admission application. View a list of University scholarships here.

Private scholarships are available from organizations and foundations, both corporate and non-profit. Many are awarded based on a student’s ethnicity, religious background, and career aspirations. There are free scholarship search engines available on the web to aid students in scholarship searches such as or

  • HOPE Scholarship is a non-need-based scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from a Georgia high school with a 3.0 grade point average in specific academic courses—English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign language. Final eligibility is determined by the Georgia Student Finance Commission. HOPE Scholarship recipients are evaluated annually at the end of the spring semester and after the semester in which the student attempts his or her 30th, 60th, and 90th attempted hours. A HOPE Scholar can lose and regain eligibility for the HOPE Scholarship only one time. The HOPE Scholarship Program may be received, if otherwise eligible, for up to a 127 attempted-hour limit or the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, whichever should occur first.
  • Zell Miller Scholarship is awarded to Georgia residents who graduated from a Georgia high school as the valedictorian or the salutatorian or graduated with a minimum of a 3.7 grade point average combined with a minimum score of 1200 on the Math and Reading portions of the SAT or a minimum composite score of 26 on the ACT Test in a single test administration. The Zell Miller Scholarship Program may be received, if otherwise eligible, for up to a 127 attempted-hour limit or the attainment of a bachelor’s degree, whichever should occur first.

Loans are the only source of financial aid that must be repaid. The U.S. Department of Education provides both need-based and non-need-based loan assistance to students and their parents. The largest loan program is the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, which is composed of a Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, and Direct PLUS Loan.

  • Direct Subsidized Loan is available to students pursuing an undergraduate degree who demonstrate financial need to help with the cost of higher education. The Department of Education pays the accruing interest on a subsidized loan while the student is enrolled at least half-time, during the six months after leaving school, and during periods of deferment. A Direct Unsubsidized Loan is available to undergraduate students regardless of financial need. Interest does accrue on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan while the student is enrolled in school and during deferments. There is an annual loan limit on a subsidized or unsubsidized loan based on the student’s classification. Freshmen may borrow up to $5,500 with no more than $3,500 in a subsidized loan; sophomores may borrow up to $6,500 with no more than $4,500 in a subsidized loan, and junior and seniors may borrow up to $7,500 with no more than $5,500 in a subsidized loan. Beginning July 1, 2013, there is a limit on the maximum period of time that you can receive Direct Subsidized Loan. This limit is six years for a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree and three years for a student pursuing a two-year associate degree program. In addition to annual loan limits and subsidized loan limits, there are lifetime loan limits under the Federal Direct Loan Program. These limits are $31,000 for dependent students and $57,500 for independent students. Students who have previous college attendance can view their remaining loan eligibility on the Federal Student Aid website here. 
  • Direct PLUS Loan is available to the parents of a dependent student to help pay for educational expenses not covered by financial aid. Unlike Direct Loans, a Direct PLUS Loan requires a credit check to qualify. If the parent borrower qualifies, he or she can borrow up to the cost of attendance minus their financial aid packaging. If the borrower doesn’t qualify, an credit-worthy co-signor, can be added to the loan for approval or the borrower’s dependent student may borrow additional Unsubsidized Loan funds up to $4,000-$5 000 annually based on classification.
  • Private outside loans are also an option if needed to help pay for school expenses. We process outside loans such as Sallie Mae, Discover, etc. through the system ELMSELECT that will help find the loan that is right for you.
  • Loan Repayments and interest have resumed. Please see the steps below to prepare and avoid scams:
    1. Review Exit Counseling at (Pending Graduates must complete to receive diploma and transcripts)
    2. Update your contact information on the website to make sure the most recent information is correct.
    3. Reach out to your Loan Servicer. To find out who your loan servicer is, visit your account dashboard and scroll down to the “My Loan Servicers” section or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.
    4. Review payment plans with your loan servicer.
Review video below:

Find our Policy and Procedures here

Application Process for Financial Aid

For the student and his or her parent or legal guardian. Go to to electronically sign your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • Social Security Number
  • Alien Registration Number
  • Federal Tax Return, W-2s, and other records of earnings
  • Bank statements and investment records (if applicable)
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
  • If possible, use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IRS DRT) on your FAFSA

Go to

Point University’s Federal School Code for the FAFSA is 001547

Georgia residents, complete the Georgia Scholarship/Grant Application at Please be sure that you receive a confirmation of completion and that you save the Application ID that is given to you.

Some FAFSA applications are selected for verification by the Department of Education. Verification is the process of reviewing the accuracy of the income information reported on the FAFSA. Students selected for verification must provide documentation of specific data elements reported on the FAFSA to the financial aid office. The Financial Aid Office will send communications to students selected for verification with specific documents and forms necessary to complete the process. Additional information may be required after reviewing the submitted documents. Most required income information can be validated by using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Students who are selected for verification but cannot use the IRS DRT will need to submit a copy of your tax return transcript from the IRS. You may request a tax return transcript by:

  • Get Transcript Online Tool at irs.govImmediate receipt.
  • Phone request from Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-908-9946. Takes 5 – 10 days.
  • IRS2Go Mobile App. Takes 5 – 10 days.

Students who are selected for this process must submit documents required through the system called Colleague.

Satisfactory Academic Progress to Remain Eligible for Financial Aid

Financial aid regulations require that students meet specific Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements to maintain eligibility for financial aid.

Your academic record will be evaluated after each semester to determine if you are meeting the SAP requirements to maintain financial aid eligibility for the next semester.

  1. Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for undergrad and 3.0 for graduate. 
  2. Earn a passing grade in at least 66.67% of all classes attempted.
  3. Complete the program within 150% of its published length.  For example, a 120-credit-hour program must be completed within 180 credit hours.

We understand that there are circumstances that may happen that will prevent students from making satisfactory progress towards their degrees. We have an appeal process to help students get back on track. Students who do not meet the SAP requirement for the first time are placed on a financial aid warning. If a student does not meet SAP requirements consecutively, he or she will be placed on a financial aid suspension, not eligible for financial the next semester they attend.

Students who are in suspension status have the option to file an appeal through Campus Logic. Students must connect with their academic advisor regarding an academic plan. A committee will review the appeal and provide an approval or denial status within five to ten business days. More information regarding the SAP process can be found on

Federal Work Study

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program provides jobs for undergraduate and graduate students that have a determined financial need for the academic year. The student may earn money through this program to help pay for educational or personal expenses. The student,  paid directly through payroll, may work on campus or off campus as community work. Please connect with department of financial aid for current FWS pay rates.

Once the student earns the amount that covers their financial need, they are no longer eligible for employment as a federal student worker but may be chosen to be a regular student worker. A regular student worker will be paid as well from the budget of the department instead of through the federal government. The funds earned as a regular student worker are not applied towards the student’s charges.

The first requirement is to be reviewed for federal student work study is remain eligible for the current year’s FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It must be completed and submitted to be reviewed for eligibility. You may complete the FAFSA here.

If eligible, you must submit the federal work study application to the financial aid office in person or via email:

  •  Completed the current year’s FAFSA
  •  Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • Possess a valid Social Security Number (SSN).
  • Be current on all federal student loans.
  • Be enrolled at least half-time in an approved
    program of study.
  • Meet SAP Requirements: GPA 2.0, earn 67% of
    credits attempted, and eligible to get aid 150% of the
    published degree time frame.

Must have a financial need. (After all need-based
aid is provides details for the
definition of need-based aid).

You may apply online or in person in the Financial Aid Office.

Open positions are listed here.

Contact the Financial Aid Office: and/or call 706-784-8730.

Federal Work Study Application

For Financial Aid

I am applying for a Federal Work Study position at Point University. I understand this is an application and not a contract to work. I understand that I may work only a specified number of hours per week dictated by my Federal Work Study award of at least minimum wage. The maximum number hours per week I may work without special permission is 15 hours. To maintain eligibility, I must maintain satisfactory academic progress and be enrolled in a minimum six credit hours during any term working in the Federal Work Study program. I understand completing this application does not guarantee a Federal Work Study job.
Your Name(Required)
Hours You Are Available for Work(Required)
Please tell us what hours you are available for work each day of the week.

Special Skills or Experiences

Check YES or NO to list which skills you have experience with.
If YES, you will be required to provide proof of citizenship/immigration status upon employment.


Previous Employment Information

Begin with the most recent job. Include any job-related military or volunteer activities. You may exclude organizations that indicate race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability or other protected status.

List Two References

Do not include relatives

Application's Statement

I certify that the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary for an employment decision. In the event of myemployment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in termination. I also understand that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the employer.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Non-Discrimination Statement

Point University is an equal opportunity em player. It is the policy of the University, from recruitment through employment and promotion, to provide equal opportunity at all times without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local anti­-discrimination laws.

Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Notes

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Log In with you created FSA ID.

Step 3: Select “Complete Loan Counseling (Entrance, Financial Awareness, Exit).”

Step 4: Select “Entrance Counseling” and follow the instructions to complete Entrance Counseling.


Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Log in with your created FSA ID.

Step 3: Select “Complete Loan Agreement (Master Promissory Note).”

Step 4: Select “MPN for Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans” and follow the instructions to complete Master Promissory Note.

Please be advised:

Financial aid cannot be awarded until verification is completed. Applicants for financial aid who are accepted for admission and have submitted all required documents necessary to establish financial aid eligibility, will be packaged with available financial aid funds for which they qualify. The Financial Aid Office will send an e-mail notification with instructions for accessing the financial aid award in the student portal. Applicants will have 30 days to accept, reduce or decline the award and submit any additional documents –for example, complete a Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and Loan entrance counseling– to finalize their award.


Contact Financial Aid

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Be equipped to work with young children in a variety of settings, preparing activities and environments that foster physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive development.
Learn to effect positive change and improve the wellbeing of individuals, families, communities, organizations, and the human population as a whole.

On-Campus Programs

Point University - On-Campus Programs
Located in West Point, Georgia, Point University offers students a safe, vibrant atmosphere for them to build a Christ-centered community while earning their degree.
Prepare for a career in high-demand fields, spanning every area of commerce.
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Develop your spiritual gifts, strengthen your faith and enhance your knowledge of Christian principles.
Our counseling degree provides a solid foundation for understanding people and the various ways to help them.