Point University student Adrian Romoff has been selected to compete on Lifetime Network’s “Child Genius” television show. An accomplished pianist, Adrian has been featured in several television appearances including “America’s Got Talent,” “The Doctors,” and has performed in Carnegie Hall.
Adrian has attended Point University at the Peachtree City location in the dual credit enrollment (DCE) program. An aspiring scientist, Adrian has advanced to become a senior in high school before turning 12 years old. Point’s DCE program provides academically outstanding students with the opportunity to take Point courses while finishing high school.
Child Genius is a 10 week competition show testing individual’s logic and reasoning skills for a grand prize of a $100,000 scholarship. The show airs on Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. EST, beginning January 7.
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For more information on the Point University dual credit enrollment program, visit http://news.point.edu/dce/.